Decimal 2 Hex
Transform 2540,34 (decimal) into hex number-result ~ 9EC, 570A316
a) left from”,”
2540 : 16 = 158 , remaining 12 => C 160 last digit
158 : 16 = 9 , remaining 14 => E 161
9 : 16 = 0 , remaining 9 => 9 162 first digit
end of procedure => 9EC 16
b) right from “,”
0,34 * 16 = 5,44 5 => 5 16-1 first digit after zero
0,44 * 16 = 7,04 7 => 7 16-2
0,04 * 16 = 0,64 0 => 0 16-3
0,64 * 16 = 10,24 10 => A 16-4
0,24 * 16 = 3,84 3 => 3 16-5
procedure could be continued => 0, 570A3… 16
Final result ~ 9EC , 570A316